Ike and Hacksaw
Isaac "Ike" Rodriguez
I grew up in La Porte, Texas, a small community located on Galveston Bay, approximately 25 miles from downtown Houston. I am the second of four children born to Francisco and Lucy Rodriguez. Since childhood, I have had artistic aspirations. I started teaching myself how to draw using the text books my father brought home from a continuing education course he was taking at a local college. From that point on, I was always drawing.
My first commissioned work was a color pencil portrait for a former employer, Lin Pfeiffer. After that first commission, I started Ike’s Art Studio. My artistic career has since flourished. I have done commissions for family, friends and NFL players such as Reggie Wayne, Donnie Avery, Nate Washington, DeAndre Hopkins and Sean Porter. I look forward to what the future brings for Ike’s Art Studio. My long term goal includes working for a professional athletic team, but I always want to maintain a personal relationship with all of my patrons.
When it comes to my artistic style, I like to combine colorful abstract backgrounds with realistic portraits to bring out the emotions and depth of the subjects. While my subject matter varies according to my clients’ needs, I most enjoy painting portraits and people. I like to capture the emotion and energy that I see in my clients.
My influences include artistic giants such as Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Johannes Vermeer, Vincent Van Gogh, and Leroy Nieman. Sports artists, such as my mentor Robert Hurst, have also been tremendously influential on my work. Robert taught me how to paint and definitely is my “Obi Wan”. In addition to Hurst, I find inspiration in the work of Vernon Wells and Stephen Holland.
My most important personal inspiration has and always will be my mother Lucy. She taught me how to work hard and put pride in whatever you do, no matter if it’s sweeping the floor or painting someone’s portrait. The commitment to your craft and the dedication to your client will appear in the quality of your work more than anything else. She was an exceptional person and the best role model and mother anyone could ever have. Everything I do, I do in honor of her. R.I.P. Lucy Rodriguez 1948-2006.